Bremeninvest is the foreign brand for the Economic Development Agency of Bremen (WFB - Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen). The website offers many insights into their activities, the portfolio of services and an abundance of interesting articles about Bremen, it's people, the variety of diverse industries and companies, plus dedicated evaluations on challenges for businesses. Please enjoy browsing their informative website.
Bremen advertises itself in the United Kingdom
Bremeninvest Linkedin Brelon Limited
United Kingdom's exit from the EU and the effect on customs
Effects of leaving the EU on UK business and trade
Bremen on YouTube
Need a base in Europe? Bremen is the key
UK Country Report
Bremen wirbt im Vereinigten Königreich
WFB Linkedin Brelon Limited
Großbritanniens EU-Austritt und die Auswirkung auf Zölle
Die Folgen des Brexit für Export- und Importunternehmen
Was Britinnen und und Briten an Bremen schätzen
Handelskammer Bremen
Logistics Pilot Interview
Briefe aus dem Vereinigten Königreich
Episode 1: Bremen in 30 seconds
Episode 2: Go Global Podcast
Episode 3: Aerospace Industry
Episode 4: Bremeninvest Services
Episode 5: Institutes in Bremen
Episode 6: Bremen Tourist Destination
Episode 7: Hydrogen Economy
Episode 8: Automotive Industry
Welche Immobilien braucht das Land?
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and BCCG